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Some of my ARTICLES


Hi!  I'm Christian Gedge.   No, not exactly in the same league as St. Paul, but this page is my place for sharing some interesting things which God has shown me over many years of study. '5 Loaves Articles' is not a systematic theology. Rather, it is a basket of special subjects and biblical research articles.


Anything on this site may be printed and used, although copyright should be acknowledged. Over time I hope to add papers and that our selection will grow for you. In the meantime, please enjoy.

The Atonement Clock

'The Atonement Clock' deals with the Sabbatical countdown. The Jubilee was not lost as previously supposed, and new research reveals a stunning convergence of data to Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.

Chronology of the Kingdom

A free downloadable manual of charts for Bible teachers who want an accurate, but visually simple, succession of time-frames covering Israel’s early historical time periods.

Chronology of the Cross

We say that the cross of Christ was the apex of human history. So it was. Why is it then that there isn't unanimous agreement about the date?

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday?

For centuries Christians have celebrated 'Good Friday' as the day Jesus died. In recent years a debate has arisen questioning it. Is the traditional view right?

Temple Cleansing Contradiction?

Contradiction hunters may have done Bible-believers a favour when it comes to their old favourite, "when did Jesus cleanse the temple?"

Ancient Hebrew Calendar

The following reconstruction describes an old Hebrew luni-solar calendar distinguished by a sabbatical 'stamp' that made it unique from every other national calendar.

Date of Artaxerxes Decrees

The reign of Artaxerxes 1 is particularly important because it provides key references to the famous Messianic prophecy of Daniel's 70 weeks.

Let the Reader Understand

Despite Jesus' admonition, this subject has been abused more than it has been understood. A re-appraisal of the Abomination of Desolation.

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St. Paul

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (Timothy 2:15)

Saint Paul Writing His Epistles. Oil painting by Valentin de Boulogne AD 1620.

Content on this site may be used with acknowledgement of copyright © 2019 E.C.Gedge

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