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Our Bible Diagrams gallery is a personal collection of charts, illustrations, maps, visuals - free evangelism resources for explaining spiritual concepts.  Included in this collection are ancient Bible timelines, because history is built on chronology, and good chronology is so much easier to understand with charts. Download and use, but please acknowledge copyright.

Bible Diagrams.

Graphic diagrams for teaching and explaining spiritual concepts.

Bible Timelines.

Prophetic and chronological timelines in the Bible. (no future date setting)

Bible Maps.

Maps of the 12 tribes, ancient empires, journeys, and footprints of biblical people.

Theological Charts.

Theological information tables showing data related to various  biblical subjects.

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timeline - maccabee period

"You can discern the face of the sky; but can you not discern the signs of the times?"

(Matthew 16:3)

Maccabees Period Chart.

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timeline – 490 years
"From the going forth of the command to restore and buildJerusalem."(Daniel 9:25)(Ezra 7) There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks (69 × 7 = 483 years) "He shall confirma covenant withmany for one week,but in the middleof the week heshall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."(Daniel 9:27)(John 19:30) "The people ofthe (other) princewho is to comeshall destroy thecity and thesanctuary."(Daniel 9:26)(Matt. 24:1-2) "Until Messiahthe Prince."(Daniel 9:25)(John 1:29,34)(Mark 1:15) Messiahmanifest finalsacrifice gospelto gentiles templedestroyed Artaxerxesdecree Seventy weeks (70 × 7 = 490 years) are determined for your people and for your holy city, 457 BC AD 26/27 AD 30 AD 70 AD 34
Templeconstructionbegins 20 BC Jesus born5 BC Tiberius co -regent AD 12 46 years 30 years 15 years 3 yr 3½ yr John 20:20 April AD 27Christs baptismlate AD 26
THESE HISTORIANS COUNTING FROM TIBERIUS SOLE REIGN THESE HISTORIANS COUNTING FROM TIBERIUS COREGENCY 12th year of TiberiusChrist revealed(Tertullian) Tiberius yearsmeasuredSept to Sept 15th year Tib.Jesus dies(Tertullian) 16th year Tib.Jesus dies(Africanus,Jerome) 18th year of TiberiusJesus dies(Phlegon) Tiberiusco-regent23rd Oct 12 AD Augustus dies19 August 14 AD 15th year of Tiberiusto John the Baptist(Luke, Eusebius) 18th year of TiberiusJesus dies(Hippolytus, Epiphanius) Tiberius dies16th March 37 AD
AD 30 34 years after birth (5 BC) 3.5 years after baptism (AD 26) 49 yrs after temple start (20 BC) Conversion St. Paul (early AD 33) 40 years before AD 70 (Eusebius) Astronomical data (AD 30 or 33)
timeline - passion week
believing patriachs chosen unbelieving cut off believing grafted in believing grafted back Ethnic Jewish Race Ethnic Races Gentile National Jewishstate AD 1948 Major revival ofJews precedingChrist's return Times of Jacob Times of the Gentiles Jew and Gentile 12 tribes ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL
CHURCH AGEMillennium figurative of Church Age - Christ & Church reigning now NEW EARTH& Heavens 2nd Coming Resurrection, rapture,judgement, end world,all at about same time. Satan boundat Calvary Satan loosed at end Church AgeThis is the last-day trib/apostacy. The A-millennial view
CHURCH AGEPeriod between Christ's two comings MILLENNIUM1000 years NEW EARTH& Heavens 2nd Coming Some put resurrection, rapture,and a separate judgementbefore the tribulation. Sheep & Goat judgement. White Thronejudgement. Final greatTribulation Satan boundfor 1000 yrs Satan loosedafter Millennium The Pre-millennial view
timeline – book of revelation
one is, And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads. (Rev. 13:1)The seven heads are seven mountains ... they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, the other has not yet come. (Rev.17:10) As for the beast that was and is not,it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven,and it goes to destruction. (Rev. 17:11) These four great beasts are four kings who shall arise out of the earth. (Dan. 7:17) Out of this (4th) kingdom ten kings shall arise. (Dan. 7:24) and another shall rise after them ... and shall put down three kings. (Dan. 7:24) ASSYRIA EGYPT BABYLON MEDO-PERSIA GREECE ROME ISLAMIC EMPIRE 8th BEAST 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 BC 750 609 539 331 63 AD 476 622 AD ??
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Jarkon Kishon Brook of Egypt Yarmuk Jordan Jabbok Arnon Dan Naphtali Manasseh (east) Manasseh Issachar Gad Ephraim Reuben Judah Simeon Benjamin Zebulun Asher Dan
Jarkon Kishon Yarmuk Jabbok Arnon Sherden1280 bc Dan Naphtali Manasseh (east) Manasseh Issachar Gad Ephraim Reuben Judah Simeon Benjamin Zebulun Asher Dan Jordan Brook of Egypt Moab1315 bc Hazor1277 bc
Jarkon Kishon Yarmuk Jordan Jabbok Arnon Ammon1122 bc Brook of Egypt Dan Naphtali Manasseh (east) Manasseh Issachar Gad Ephraim Reuben Judah Simeon Benjamin Zebulun Asher Dan Philistia1122 bc
map - assyrian empire
map - babylonian empire
map - persian empire
map - greek empire
map - roman empire
map - fall of western rome
map - 10 kingdoms
map - 3 'horns'
Map showing cradle of Christianity
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WHY COMMENTARIES DIFFER ON ARTAXERXES REGNAL YEARS Regnal Years(coronation to 7th yr)Accession Year1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year5th Year6th Year7th Year Persian Calendar (spring to spring)late 465 BC - 29 Adar 4641 Nisan 464 BC - 29 Adar 4631 Nisan 463 BC - 29 Adar 4621 Nisan 462 BC - 29 Adar 4611 Nisan 461 BC - 29 Adar 4601 Nisan 460 BC - 29 Adar 4591 Nisan 459 BC - 29 Adar 4581 Nisan 458 BC - 29 Adar 457 Jewish Regnal Reckoning (fall to fall)late 465 BC - 29 Elul 4641 Tishri 464 BC - 29 Elul 4631 Tishri 463 BC - 29 Elul 4621 Tishri 462 BC - 29 Elul 4611 Tishri 461 BC - 29 Elul 4601 Tishri 460 BC - 29 Elul 4591 Tishri 459 BC - 29 Elul 4581 Tishri 458 BC - 29 Elul 457 If using Jewish calendar,Ezra's date would equateto 26th March 457 BC. If using Persian calendar,Ezra's date would equateto 8th April 458 BC. "Ezra arrived in Jerusalem in the fifth month of the seventh year of the king. He had begun his journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month" (Ezra 7:8-9)
Chart of Revelation symbols
Wed, Mar 267:50 pmMon, Mar 152:19 amSat, Apr 27:23 pmWed, Mar 227:40 pmMon, Mar 120:13 amSat, Mar 299:54 pmThur, Mar 1912:32 pmTue, Mar 95:20 amMon, Mar 285:59 amFri, Mar 165:41 pm predawnMarch 28eveningMarch 16predawnApril 4predawnMarch 24eveningMarch 13eveningMarch 31eveningMarch 20predawnMarch 10eveningMarch 29predawnMarch 19 Thur/FriApr 10/11Tue/WedMar 30/31Sun/MonApr 17/18Thur/FriApr 6/7Tue/WedMar 27/28Mon/TueApr 14/15Fri/SatApr 3/4Tue/WedMar 23/24Mon/TueApr 11/12Fri/SatMar 30/31 ThursdayApril 10TuesdayMarch 30SundayApril 17ThursdayApril 6TuesdayMarch 27MondayApril 14FridayApril 3TuesdayMarch 23MondayApril 11FridayMarch 30 Thur. crucifixion on 14th Nisan(but year AD 27 too early)Wed. crucifixion on 15th Nisan(but year AD 28 too early)Thur. crucifixion on 14th NisanFriday crucifixion on 15th NisanWed. crucifixion on 15th Nisan(fits Wednesday theory)Fri. crucifixion on 14th Nisan(using alternative calendar?)Wed. crucifixion on 15th Nisan(fits Wednesday theory)Fri. crucifixion on 14th Nisan(but year AD 36 too late) YEARad27282930313233343536 CONJUNCTIONdark moon MOONfirst sighted NEW MOON1st Nisan LAMB KILLEDlate 14th PASSOVER14/15th NOTES Thur/FriMar 27/28Tue/WedMar 16/17Sun/MonApril 3/4Thur/FriMar 23/24Tue/WedMar 13/14Mon/TueMar 31/01Fri/SatMar 20/21Tue/WedMar 9/10Tue/WedMar 29/30Sat/SunMar 17/18
Entry Jerusalem (10th Nisan)Jn 12:12-13Second Temple cleansing(11th Nisan)Mk 11:15-16Crucifixion(15th Nisan)Mk 15:25-39 John east JordanJohn 1:28 John beginsLuke 3:1-3 Baptising at AenonJohn 3:23 John in prisonJohn 3:24 BeheadedMatt 14:1-13 Jesus chooses disciples(2nd Nisan)John 1:35-45First miracle(5th Nisan)John 2:1-11First Temple cleansing(approx 10th)John 2:13-17 Jesus baptised(late AD 26)Matt 3:13-17 Grainfields(summer)Mk 3:2-23 Calms storm(winter)Mk 4:35-41 Feeds 4000(summer)Mk 8:1-13 At Hanukkah(winter)John 10:22 Raises Lazarus(mid AD 29?)John 11:1-44 Last Ministry(early AD 30?)Mt 20:17-19 Jesus at Tabernacles(or Hannukah?)John 5:1 Jesus feeds 5000(spring)John 6:1-13 Jesus at Tabernacles(autumn)John 7:1-10 Galileans slain(Passover?)Luke 13:1 Jesus avoids(Tabernacles?)Jn 10:31, 11:8 NazarethMk 1:9 Tyre-SidonMk 7:24 GalileeMk 8-9 GalileeMt 11:1, Mk 4-7 GalileeJn 4:45,54 GalileeJn 1-2 JudeaJn 11:7 JudeaJn 2-3 WildernessMatt 4:1-11 SamariaMt 4:12, Jn 4 JerusalemJn 12:1 JerusalemJn 7-10 JerusalemJn 5:1 PereaJn 10:40-42 PereaLuke 13:22 EphraimJn 11:54

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