A little background - ABOUT US
Hello, my name is Christian Gedge. Maureen and I have been involved in Bible teaching for many years, pastoring several churches, lecturing in Bible colleges, writing, and contributing regularly as team members wherever we have belonged.
We stood down from full-time pastoral ministry and settled in the Waikato district of New Zealand to concentrate on preparation of specialist teaching material designed to supplement the work of local churches. River Discipleship is a workbook on basic Christian doctrine and recently published was Rainbow Discovery a direct witnessing tool for evangelists.
Maureen's church background is Presbyterian and Baptist and mine is Open Brethren and Assemblies of God - an unusual mix admittedly but we acknowledge and appreciate the heritage. For statement of faith, just scroll down this page.
I do a bit of preaching still. But 5 Loaves & 2 Fishes is not set up to facilitate a traveling ministry. I have a different dream. I believe that written teaching and the Internet is a bold new frontier of the gospel. It is now possible to hear the Word of God anywhere in the world. It is now possible to publish free evangelism resources directly to someone's printer. The possibilities are limitless!
And that is where I believe God is leading. Please pray for us.

"Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand has provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"
(A corner of our garden at home.)
Yep - us!
'Just thought we would put together a few photos to help you get to know us a little better.

On the left is us now. The picture with Wallace (right) is a few more years back. We live in a small Waikato rural town - just ordinary people - not far down the road from here.
"I have learned in whatsoever
State I am to be content,
Sufficiency, with a heart set free
I know, is Heaven-sent."
Check out some of our poetry in 'Devotionals.'

"I remember - 35 years ago ..."
That's what Chris used to say, mimicking the sentimental old reminiscences of someone, somewhere. Well, now it's closer to 55 years! Us at our wedding reception in '68.
We've been best friends for all these years. 'You want to know how? This might help to explain.
Or maybe this:
"The fields are white!"
So we went to Bible College to train for the ministry.
That's us at graduation - end 1970.
(Christian Life Bible College.
Lower Hutt. New Zealand)

"Raisin' a little family"
Chris, Maureen, Carmel, Nathan and Aaron.
And sure, we normally smile but this must of been one of those days!
Us in the 1980's.
"Preachin' a little gospel"
At about mid-point in our ministry. About 1990.
No, we didn't build a mega-church or fill a football stadium. Just obeyed God and played our part. And that is what builds the kingdom: - a good God, good news, and people like you - people like us.
So don't give up brother; don't give up sister.

"So who is the fisherman then?"
Maureen bakes the loaves and Chris catches the trout (if he's lucky) And there's more than 2 fishes where this one came from upstream from here.
Believe it!
"One of my favorite spots"
It takes 100 years for the water to filter through the Mamaku Ranges, bubbling up at 42 cubic metres per minute, crystal pure in mysterious blue, beneath a canopy of ferns and ponga's at Te Waihou Blue Springs.
(South Waikato)

"May we pray for you?"
Would you like to make a prayer request? If you want prayer, go to our 'Contact' page and place it there.
And thanks for getting to know us.
Chris and Maureen
Statement of Faith
The Bible:
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, is authoritative and reliable and reveals the Way, the Truth and the Life to all who read it.
There is one true and living God. He is infinite, eternal, unchanging, and is revealed to us in tri-unity as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The human race is created in the image of God and of inherent worth to Him. However mankind is corrupted by sin, separated from God, and must be born again.
Humanity is headed to destruction but God has provided a way of escape. This salvation is neither deserved nor earned but given freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and God.
Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ came into this world to save it. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary - God in human flesh. He lived a blameless life then offered himself as the final and perfect sacrifice.
Reconciliation between man and God was achieved at the cross. His blood satisfied God's justice paying penalty for the sin of the world. His righteousness is credited to those who believe.
Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead on the third day showing himself to his disciples with irrefutable proof, and then ascended into heaven where he rules at the Fathers right hand.
Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is of one essence with the Father and the Son. His work is to draw men and women to repentance, regenerate their spirit, lead into sanctified living, and empower the Church to serve God.
The Church:
The Church is that body of people whose lives have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, the proof of which is their love for one another and their public confession of Jesus Christ as Saviour and God.
Believers Hope:
Our Lord will come again at which time the dead in Christ will rise to life and the mortal bodies of those still living will be changed to live eternally with Him.

"Hold firmly to the trustworthy
message as it has been taught,
so that you can encourage others
by sound doctrine and refute
those who oppose it."
(Titus 1:9)
Marsden cross, Oihi Bay, marks the spot where the gospel was first preached in New Zealand.
(Bay of Islands - New Zealand)